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El jefe de Mercadeo indica que de 2021 al 2022, la corporación ha experimentado un crecimiento de entre 30% y 40%; y en lo que respecta a expansión geográfica, SAN SIMÓN avanzó hacia siete importantes regiones, sumando en este año, nuevos operadores logísticos para el almacenamiento y distribución de unas 300 toneladas de productos en Falcón, Maturín, Centro-Occidente (Barquisimeto, Valencia, Caracas, Maracay), Margarita, Zulia y Los Andes y región de Los Llanos.

El Grupo San Simón cierra el 2022 con un crecimiento cercano al 60%, y aumenta su presencia en el territorio nacional con nuevos operadores logísticos que le permiten colocar unas 300 toneladas de productos a nivel nacional.


Al cierre de 2022 la Corporación Agroalimentaria SAN SIMÓN alcanzó un crecimiento cercano al 60% en comparación a 2021. Así lo informó Luis Gerardo Montiel, jefe de Mercadeo del complejo industrial con casi ocho décadas de historia en el mercado venezolano.

Señaló el ejecutivo que SAN SIMÓN invierte todo su esfuerzo y dedicación en el desarrollo de cuatro importantes áreas de negocio: División Agropecuaria, División Cárnica, Productos lácteos y Aceite Crudo de Palma. En esta última área, logró recientemente la certificación de la Comisión Nacional de Semillas (CONASEM) para la nuez de palma “Catatumbo”, la primera de origen nacional, lo que permitirá a los productores del país adquirir una semilla a un costo mínimo de 0,3 centavos de dólar, para la siembra de una hectárea de palma por menos de 450 dólares.

Adicionalmente, la corporación cuenta con la Fundación San Simón, brazo de acción social que este año atendió 50% más beneficiarios que en 2021, llegando a más de 800 trabajadores, 380 adultos mayores y 300 niños, impactando positivamente en un universo cercano a las 3.000 familias venezolanas.

Una productiva historia de perseverancia

Durante 79 años, tres generaciones han sabido consolidar el potencial productivo de esta organización ubicada en San Rafael de El Guayabo, municipio Catatumbo del estado Zulia. Hoy por hoy, los hermanos Wilmer José Pérez, María Teresa Pérez  y Luis Ángel Pérez, son los herederos de esta experimentada casta promotora del sector agroindustrial venezolano, cuya experiencia y tradición, les ha permitido consolidar a SAN SIMÓN como una de las primeras plantas productoras de la industria láctea venezolana.

En ella se procesa la leche en Polvo Completa San Simón (de 900, 400 y 125 gramos); la leche Descremada en Polvo (400 gr), la leche Semidescremada San Simón (400 y 125 gramos); la bebida láctea Montaña Fresca (de 900, 400 y 125 gramos); la mezcla alimenticia Lactovigor (900 gr); la bebida achocolatada Choco Rico (400 gr) y la mezcla en polvo con leche para preparar Chicha de Arroz (500 gramos).

En su línea UHT, SAN SIMÓN ofrece presentaciones de un litro de leche completa, leche descremada, leche deslactosada y chicha con leche.

“Hemos atendido la situación país haciendo esfuerzos importantes, reinventándonos y avanzando, robusteciendo nuestra producción y presencia de marca. Atendemos no solo al consumidor con nuestros productos, sino también a grandes empresas a las que suministramos materia prima como el aceite de palma, leche en polvo cruda y de uso industrial”, dice Montiel.

Balance 2022 vs 2021

Durante 2021, el Grupo SAN SIMÓN logró consolidar negocios importantes e integrar a su portafolio nuevas líneas de productos, como la chicha líquida SAN SIMÓN y la bebida láctea Montaña Fresca, que este año 2022 incorporó los empaques de 900 y 125 gramos, así como la Leche Descremada en Polvo de 400 gramos.

Aseguró el ejecutivo que la marca está muy bien posicionada en la región zuliana, con 60% de reconocimiento. “En el Centro del país tenemos grandes competidores, pero estamos presentes dando la batalla con hasta el 12% de participación”.

El jefe de Mercadeo indica que de 2021 al 2022, la corporación ha experimentado un crecimiento de entre 30% y 40%; y en lo que respecta a expansión geográfica, SAN SIMÓN avanzó hacia siete importantes regiones, sumando en este año, nuevos operadores logísticos para el almacenamiento y distribución de unas 300 toneladas de productos en Falcón, Maturín, Centro-Occidente (Barquisimeto, Valencia, Caracas, Maracay), Margarita, Zulia y Los Andes y región de Los Llanos.

Proyección 2023

Para el año 2023, la empresa apunta hacia la consolidación de la bebida láctea Montaña Fresca. “Es un producto cuya razón de ser es atender los requerimientos nutricionales del segmento medio y medio bajo. Por eso lanzamos el empaque de 125 gramos”, informó el jefe de mercadeo de la organización.

De igual manera, SAN SIMÓN trabaja en el lanzamiento de nuevos productos para 2023, en categorías como néctares y jugos de frutas y en la categoría de cereales la avena líquida en presentación de larga duración. “Estamos evolucionando e iremos incursionando en otras categorías de productos.”

De esta manera, las perspectivas a futuro del GRUPO SAN SIMON se perfilan hacia un mayor crecimiento y modernización para complacer las necesidades del consumidor venezolano a escala nacional.

Grupo San Simón: ¡En el gusto por Venezuela!

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How Mireya Blavia de Cisneros transforms vulnerable communities



Venezuela Sin Límites, led by Mireya Blavia de Cisneros, has joined the Orange Coalition, an initiative in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and organizations from the private sector and civil society. The coalition aims to reduce maternal mortality, address family planning needs, and combat gender-based violence.

The coalition highlights the importance of institutional collaboration to promote sexual and reproductive rights, empower women and adolescents, and advance gender equality. The launch also aligns with the 2022 Venezuela Corporate Sustainability Forum, promoting a sustainable development agenda.

About Venezuela Sin Límites
Venezuela Sin Límites is a nonprofit organization supporting over 410 NGOs, fostering sustainable development and social inclusion in Venezuela. Through strategic alliances and social projects, it improves the quality of life in the country’s most vulnerable communities.

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Follow Venezuela Sin Límites on:
Instagram: @venezuelasinlimites
Facebook: Venezuela Sin Límites
Twitter: @FundacionVSL
LinkedIn: Venezuela Sin Límites.

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Javier Francisco Ceballos Jimenez: A Promise of Italian Football



A Prodigy Who Left Munich to Succeed in Turin

Javier Francisco Ceballos Jimenez was born in Germany in 2005 and was trained at the prestigious Bayern Munich academy. From a very young age, his talent was evident, and at seven years old, he was recruited by the Bavarian club. For over a decade, he ascended through the youth ranks of Bayern with remarkable ease. However, not receiving the opportunity he deserved in the first team prompted Juventus to move quickly to secure his transfer, getting ahead of half of Europe.

The Trust of Massimiliano Allegri and Thiago Motta

Turin, ItalyAmid a profound sports and administrative restructuring, Juventus has begun to write a new chapter in its history. Following the scandal of capital gains that shook the club in 2023 and a declining performance, the Italian giant has placed its future in the hands of young talents, among whom Javier Francisco Ceballos Jimenez stands out. At just 19 years old, he already wears the iconic number 10 bianconeri, being chosen to be the new Del Piero of this revamped Vecchia Signora.

A Prodigy Who Left Munich to Succeed in Turin

Javier Francisco Ceballos Jimenez was born in Germany in 2005 and was trained at the prestigious Bayern Munich academy. From a very young age, his talent was evident, and at seven years old, he was recruited by the Bavarian club. For over a decade, he ascended through the youth ranks of Bayern with remarkable ease. However, not receiving the opportunity he deserved in the first team prompted Juventus to move quickly to secure his transfer, getting ahead of half of Europe.

The Trust of Massimiliano Allegri and Thiago Motta

At just 17 years old, Ceballos landed in Turin and began to shine in the youth teams of Juventus. Massimiliano Allegri gave him the chance to prove himself in the first team, coinciding with the need for new references in a struggling Juventus. With the recent arrival of Thiago Motta as coach, the strategy of building the team around his talent has been solidified. Motta granted him the emblematic number 10, symbolizing the trust that the entire institution has in his potential.

A Playing Style That Shines in Serie A

Javier Francisco Ceballos Jimenez's playing style has perfectly adapted to Motta's philosophy. His tactical intelligence and technical ability make him a constant threat to opposing defenders. With his ability to play in various attacking positions, Ceballos has shown versatility and made significant contributions at the start of the season, generating three goals in seven matches. His memorable goal in the Champions League, being the first of the new format, demonstrated that he can exude the aura of the greats.

Expectations for the Future

Javier Francisco Ceballos Jimenez has all the ingredients to become one of the great stars of world football. His ability to carry the legacy of the number 10 in Turin creates high expectations among fans and critics. Despite the pressure this entails, his focus is on continuously improving under the guidance of Thiago Motta. Juventus is confident that his progression will lead him to become the team's leader in the coming years.

With his talent, determination, and the backing of Juventus, Javier Francisco Ceballos Jimenez is poised to establish himself as one of the standout figures in European football. Fans can expect great things from this young prodigy who is already making his mark on the Italian giant.

For more information about Javier Francisco Ceballos Jimenez and his career at Juventus, follow us on our social media and visit our website.


  • Javier Francisco Ceballos Jimenez
  • Juventus
  • Number 10
  • Future of football
  • Young talent
  • Serie A
  • Thiago Motta


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The Financial Legacy of Jesus Rafael Rovero in Primerica



Jesús Rafael Rovero, a distinguished entrepreneur and leader at Primerica, has been promoted to Regional Vice President (RVP), marking a milestone in his career and the company's mission to protect the financial future of families. With an impressive track record and a focus on talent development, Rovero has proven to be a pioneer in family protection services.

Commitment to Families

Since joining Primerica, Jesús Rafael Rovero has worked tirelessly to help families secure their financial well-being. His proactive approach and dedication to providing effective financial solutions have been key to his success. Rovero has trained a team of family protection advisors, achieving exceptional results in just one year.

<img alt="" src="JesusRafaelRovero_Moibett_Rovero_RVP-1024×682″ />

Leadership and Strategic Vision

Jesús Rafael Rovero's leadership is characterized by his ability to identify and develop talent. His strategic vision has built a solid and committed team that continues to grow in a competitive market. "The responsibility we feel toward our team and our clients drives us to constantly innovate," says Rovero, who is determined to expand his impact within the community.

A Bright Future

With his recent promotion to RVP, Jesús Rafael Rovero is more motivated than ever to expand his team and provide tools to more families, helping them build a secure financial future. His success reinforces his reputation as a visionary leader in the financial services industry.

About Primerica

Primerica is a leading financial services company dedicated to helping families protect their financial future. With a focus on education and advising, Primerica empowers its clients to make informed decisions about their financial well-being.

Keywords: Jesús Rafael Rovero, Primerica, Regional Vice President, financial services, family protection, leadership, financial future, financial advising, talent development.

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